About Us

Our Story 

Magic in a bottle story

“You can keep it for a 100 years and it will not go bad!”
A skinny mid-aged man said as he handed me a bottle with a golden liquid inside it.
“You can also look younger! if you put it on your face”

He was clearly using his selling smarts and you could say it was working because we bought a bottle. We were in a flea market where tribals came to sell their finds and their produce. With one of the most diverse Bio-reserves of India at walking distance, and this unique looking person in front of us, the claims looked even more tempting. We tried a spoonful and it felt like we’ve tasted the stars. It was honey! And so much more.
Coming from middle class households where Holy Men have sold honey branded under age old traditional science, we were no strangers to honey. From our pujas to homehacks for flu, cough and even burns, we grew up with this liquid gold. And yet, on that evening in the forests of Orissa, we were stumped by the multi-layered tasting experience. It wasn’t just sweet, it had a woody and slightly floral taste and aroma. You’d want another spoon to really experience all the taste notes this honey hit.
For us, it was a spoon of adventure that was to come.

Our Vision

With immense reverence towards nature and its healing prowess, our vision is to share the bounty of natural products in their purest form free of any additives. We envisage creating an ecosystem that delivers the best value to all our partners. We want to build a conscious community of individuals who yearn to protect the environment, uplift the marginalized communities, and deliver unadulterated, ethically sourced products to aware consumers.

Our Mission

We are guided by natural sciences and traditional ayurvedic practices and aim to bring these solutions to heal, nurture and nourish in harmony with the environment.
We aspire to bring a complete range of consumer products that is pure, organic, natural, and free from the detriments of processing.

Our Goal

We aim to reach our mission through carefully curated locations; collaborations with the indigenous tribes, beekeepers, artisan communities, and farmers; sharing and learning as well as augmenting traditional practices with conscious technology adoption.
We train our team members with well researched best practices that ensure the sustainability of the three prongs of our focus:
– Nature and environment
– Producer community
– Consumers


The Story Continues…

Wild Collection

Our curious souls wanted to know more, so we sat with this man who just sold us magic in a bottle. In the following days we chased more such honey sellers coming from deep within the woods. We saw some hives and their traditional practices. There was a synergy between humans and the bees. It was in such harmony; you would not believe such things exist. Their generations have practiced this art which taught them how to rear the bees, how to extract without damage to the nature, and right time to extract since prematurely extracted honey has a low shelf life. The untouched forests were free from industrial pollutants and insecticides and pesticides. This honey was raw and pure bliss.
We’ve spent every day since that evening to find the best mediums and channels to bring this raw bliss to households who would appreciate it. We’ve collected wild honey from the tribal belts of Orissa, Jharkhand and Maharashtra that are home to dense biospheres and rare flowers.
We bring to you unprocessed honey that maintains its original purity in sealed glass bottles that ensures that each spoon is the same as the time it was collected.

Partnering With Nature

This journey also steered our way into the beekeeper’s hive.
We’ve tasted and collected from co-farms that rear bees in their organic farm lands. The symbiosis gives farmers higher yields and the bees get their nectar.
Honeybees usually scout for honey within a 3-4 km radius. By rearing hives in farms, monofloral variety honey is harvested by the beekeepers. The intricate relationship between plants and bees is imperative to sustaining live colonies of bees and pollination for the flora. Traditional beekeeping practices ensures conservation the biodiversity in hilly regions. In fact, such practices also ensure protection of our endangered indigenous species of bees such as Apis Cerana.
Also, each floral beehive has a distinct sensory terroir to the honey.


Based on the region, season and flora, the aroma, taste and color varies. In fact, the consistency in the taste or “terroir,” can be different for honey extracted from the same region due to minimum human intervention. (Commercial honey usually contains constrained amount of honey mixed with sugar to keep consistent taste.)
This is experience of nature’s uncertainty makes honey an unpredictable experience.

So this is our story. We travel different terrains, biospheres and explore forests and woodlands in search for more such tribesman and beekeepers who preserve and protect these bio-reserves. We learn and share. We have struck a deal with them to give maximum benefits to their endeavors bypassing the vicious cycle of middlemen, agents, gimcracks and charlatans in return for their experience and hard work in bringing this seductive blend of flavor and aroma, harvested peacefully, to your doorsteps.


Let’s Root For Each Other

Niyamaya is a tribute to the elements of nature and its life energy that nourishes all living beings.

The inspiration to start a venture like Niyamaya was sowed by the desire to bring the treasures of the Indian ecosystem to the knowledge of people so they can appreciate the bounty our flora and fauna produce.

This also propels opportunities in the direction of farmers, artisans, tribals, and marginalized communities so that they can provide a better life to their families and weather the ups and downs of the economy.
