Our Story
Magic in a bottle story
“You can keep it for a 100 years and it will not go bad!”
A skinny mid-aged man said as he handed me a bottle with a golden liquid inside it.
“You can also look younger! if you put it on your face”
He was clearly using his selling smarts and you could say it was working because we bought a bottle. We were in a flea market where tribals came to sell their finds and their produce. With one of the most diverse Bio-reserves of India at walking distance, and this unique looking person in front of us, the claims looked even more tempting. We tried a spoonful and it felt like we’ve tasted the stars. It was honey! And so much more.
Coming from middle class households where Holy Men have sold honey branded under age old traditional science, we were no strangers to honey. From our pujas to homehacks for flu, cough and even burns, we grew up with this liquid gold. And yet, on that evening in the forests of Orissa, we were stumped by the multi-layered tasting experience. It wasn’t just sweet, it had a woody and slightly floral taste and aroma. You’d want another spoon to really experience all the taste notes this honey hit.
For us, it was a spoon of adventure that was to come.
Our Vision
With immense reverence towards nature and its healing prowess, our vision is to share the bounty of natural products in their purest form free of any additives. We envisage creating an ecosystem that delivers the best value to all our partners. We want to build a conscious community of individuals who yearn to protect the environment, uplift the marginalized communities, and deliver unadulterated, ethically sourced products to aware consumers.
Our Mission
We are guided by natural sciences and traditional ayurvedic practices and aim to bring these solutions to heal, nurture and nourish in harmony with the environment.
We aspire to bring a complete range of consumer products that is pure, organic, natural, and free from the detriments of processing.
Our Goal
We aim to reach our mission through carefully curated locations; collaborations with the indigenous tribes, beekeepers, artisan communities, and farmers; sharing and learning as well as augmenting traditional practices with conscious technology adoption.
We train our team members with well researched best practices that ensure the sustainability of the three prongs of our focus:
– Nature and environment
– Producer community
– Consumers